Deep Dive
Holistic Psychotherapy

The holistic approach used in Deep Dive sessions is grounded in the belief that every person's mind, body and spirit live in unity. When the health of one is compromised, the others also suffer. Deep Dive works to achieve balance and wellness in all aspects of the totality that is your being. Process Oriented Psychology foundational skills are used to notice and interact the ways in which our mind, body, and spirit communicate that is often unnoticed by the conscious rational mind.​
In what ways do they communicate?
Through body language, dreams, physical symptoms, emotional disturbances, addictions
“People have a need to feel their pain. Very often pain is the beginning of a great deal of awareness. As an energy center it awakens consciousness.”
​Arnold Mindell
Deep Dive acknowledges that all the answers you seek already exists within you, and sometimes they feel out of reach. Process Oriented skills allow the individual to drop into the deepest levels of awareness around an experience by engaging with the senses in symbolic and imaginative ways. It is in these deep levels of awareness where truth and wisdom are found.

Process Oriented Values
Every session is person centred and therefore will be tailored and unique to you
When we unfold the processes of life that hold our attention, we uncover new ways of living authentically
- Process oriented psychology uses awareness to track psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues.